Eight Essential Questions about Your Summer Conference Faculty
If you are planning to take a summer grade preparation conference, you may feel that all the courses offered are basically the same.
We disagree; there are important differences!
But how to choose among the many schools and training centers that offer such conferences? To help you decide, we suggest that
you ask yourself the following questions concerning your grade conference. Their answers will give you much greater clarity than
the often vague course descriptions in the conference announcements.
The Questions:
1 How many times has the instructor carried a class through Grade 8?
2 How many times has the instructor taught this specific grade?
3 How many times has the instructor observed this grade being taught by other teachers in other schools?
4 Has the instructor written articles or books about teaching this grade?
5 Has the instructor personally created teaching/artistic resources for this grade, e.g. class plays, verses, or songs?
6 Are there recordings or videos of the instructor’s lectures that I can hear in advance?
7 Has the instructor ever prepared adults for this grade before?
And if this conference is carried by a group:
8 Have the conference leaders met during this school year to plan together and integrate their various specialties and subjects? Will
meet daily during the conference to fine-tune this integration?
You may be surprised at how many “No’s” you receive, which may give you the impetus to search harder to find a conference in which
every one of these questions may be answered in the affirmative.
Hint: Try the Online Conferences for Grades One through Eight. Eugene Schwartz, who presents over 95% of the content in
all of the Online Conferences, can answer “Yes!” to every one of the questions above. The same holds true of Roberto Trostli,
who presents all of the Physics and Chemistry lessons for Grades 6, 7, and 8. Look below to read Eugene's answers.