The Online Grade One Conference
June 1 to September 30
December 1 to February 28
With Eugene Schwartz & Raine Springer
Conference Dates:
June 1 through September 30
December 1 through February 28
You choose any 14-day period convenient for you.
Conference Setting: Your Computer or Mobile Device
Click here for detailed Lecture/Presentation Contents
Click here to register for Grade 1
The intense summer conference schedule means that a great deal of meeting time must be squeezed into a few short weeks and a handful of conference locales. We frequently have to lament that our conference presenters could only be in one place at one time . . .
. . . until now, that is! Today’s Internet makes it possible to overcome at least some of the limitations of space and time, and it makes it possible to offer an Essential Grade One Conference – online! Nearly two decades of enthusiastic participation by Waldorf teachers worldwide have proven that the online format is an effective and efficient way to gain the breadth and depth needed for the school year to come.
“But I’m not good with computers!”
Don’t worry! The Intensive “interface” is completely user-friendly! Our Intensive support team is as close as an email, text, or phone call. The over 4000 participants in our years of the Online Conferences have experienced very few difficulties, and most were resolved in just minutes. You do need good broadband access to the Internet and we recommend Firefox and Safari as the most reliable Web browsers for this Conference.
Once you have chosen the 14-day period convenient to you, you will receive links to about 33 hours of lectures and presentations by Eugene Schwartz (Click here for Lecture/Presentation Topics). Most of these will be links to audio files of 15 - 20 minute lectures. Several of the links will lead to videos in which First Grade student work will be illuminated by commentary on the Grade One curriculum. And in a vibrant video, Raine Springer will be sharing with us the songs, movement, and games that she has made such an integral part of our live conferences.
And this is when:
All of the lecture/presentations will be available online during your fourteen-day participation period from June 1 to September 30 or December 1 to February 28. This means that participants can listen to the content whenever they wish, and as often as they wish, for fourteen days. (How often have you taken notes as rapidly as possible at a lecture and wished in vain that you could hear it again?)
And yes, there will be handouts. PDFs of relevant Grade One resource material will be available for you to download during the conference weeks.