The Essential Waldorf Conferences

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Important Information: Please read before registering

What You Need to Know When Coming to a Conference in Mancos, Colorado

The Waldorf Education Association of Southwest Colorado is very pleased to again co-sponsor these “Essential Conferences” with Eugene Schwartz.  We warmly invite you to join us for an adventurous, inspiring, full conference at a private rural setting in beautiful Mancos, Colorado (between Durango and Mesa Verde National Park) at the outdoor education center, Deer Hill Expeditions, (see:  Participants will lodge with colleagues in bunk houses and use shower houses and restrooms just down the trail. This base camp has a swimming pond, large yard and garden areas, hiking trails, lodge for relaxing, studying, and dining hall.  At past WEASC workshops held at this location, participants have been very positive about the experience of immersion in the philosophical, pedagogical, and artistic work, balanced with relaxing in nature, conversing with colleagues, and not needing to drive every day.

What to Bring:  All meals and snacks are provided for conferences at this facility.  Lodging is in “bunk houses” (a little like Scout Camp) with several other colleagues (of the same gender).  Bring your own sleeping bag and pillow (these can also be rented from Deer Hill).  You will also need to bring your own towel, comfortable clothing and shoes, sunscreen, and a warm jacket or sweater (evening and night temperatures drop significantly!)  Other optional things to bring are: swimsuit, insect repellant, sun hat, rain jacket and flashlight or headlamp.  Some people have brought ear plugs and small headlamps for reading in bed or walking around at night. Some have suggested things like skin moisturizer, chapstick, and water bottles, as the climate in southern Colorado is very dry.  Please bring also your own set of art supplies, depending on grade level – crayons, colored pencils, and recorders or diatonic flutes as relevant for your grade. 

Note:  Durango is a summer tourist destination; please make airline reservations as early as possible!  NOTE:  Flights to Durango arrive several times a day. If you plan on pick-up by our shuttles, please try to schedule arrival time BEFORE 3:00 p.m. Conferences start at approximately 4:00 p.m. of the first date listed.  If you arrive BEFORE the first day of the conference, lodging may not be available at Deer Hill.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

 Registration by the deadline is important. If, for example, 3 or 4 people who intend to register fail to do so by the due date, that could result in the whole course being cancelled due to insufficient enrollment.  Your deposit of $100 is required at time of registration; the balance due, or total course fee, is due by the registration date. Registrations need to be received ONE MONTH prior to the conference start date. 

All courses have minimum and maximum enrollment requirement limitations.   If a conference/workshop does NOT meet the minimum enrollment requirements by the registration deadline, we will inform you immediately by phone or email, so you then have time to make other arrangements.  We will also CONFIRM with you on that registration deadline that enrollments have been met, so that you have sufficient time to make airline reservations, etc.  Feel free to call or email to check on enrollments if you need to.  

If your plans change and you need to cancel, please inform us as soon as possible so your space can be filled.  There may be a cancellation charge ranging from $25 to $50 depending on whether supplies have been ordered, and whether we are notified in time to fill the space.  If cancellation is made AFTER the registration deadline, refund may be only 50% of the total course charge.  We hope you understand we are a young, small organization, offering small, more personalized educational opportunities for teachers.  We must plan our budget, contract our presenters, rent facilities, and order supplies based on financial commitments from participants.  Thank you for your interest, and your timely registration, which allow us to offer these conferences.

For questions about registration and accommodations, please call or email WEASC Facilitator, Greer Galloway: (970)749-0833,

For specific questions about conferences, schedules, and presenters, please call or email WEASC Coordinator, Miriam Barton: 970-533-7104,